
Check out this TEDx talk by our past-president Katie Brewer, ATR 

Art Therapist, Synergy Services

Library Collections: 

Emporia State University offers Masters of Science in Art Therapy Counseling as well as a dual curriculum option in Art Therapy and Clinical Counseling.   Learn more about the program and course of study here.

The University of Kansas (Lawrence campus) houses a collection of resources by Kansas art therapy pioneer Mary Huntoon.  You may contact (785) 864-8983 or for more information.

In 2008 Accessible Arts, Inc. of Kansas City donated their entire resource library to Emporia State University.  This is a collection of resources on the arts and disabilities spanning the twentieth century.  This gift was made to honor the memory of their former collaborations with art therapist Robert Ault and for the expressed purpose of making it accessible to Emporia students.  You may contact (620) 341-5207 or for more information.


Huxtable, A., Wolf Bordonaro, G.P., & Schmanke, L. (2021). A graphic guide to art therapy. Jessica  Kingsley.

Schmanke, L. (2017). Art therapy and substance abuse: Enabling recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley.

Schmanke, L. (2019). Art therapy applications and substance abuse. In D. Elkis-Abuhoff & M. Gaydos (Eds.), Art and expressive therapies within the medical model: Clinical applications (pp. 177-189). New York, NY: Routledge.

Schmanke, L. (2016). Substance abuse. In D. Gussak and M. Rosal (Eds.), The Wiley handbook of art therapy (pp. 361-375). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Hurlbut, G. & Wolf Bordonaro, G.P. (2021). Arts for Haiti: Collaboration, Training, and Service  Learning Programming in Post-earthquake Haiti. In Scarce, J. (Ed) Art Therapy in Response to Natural Disasters, Mass Violence, and Crises. Jessica Kingsley.

Wolf Bordonaro, G.P. (2021).  Applying for graduate study in art therapy. In S. Bailey (Ed.) Careers in the creative arts therapies: Succeeding as a creative professional, (Ed.). Rutledge Series.

 Schriener, L., & Wolf Bordonaro, G.P. (2019). Using non-traditional curricular tools to address death and dying in nurse education. The Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 21(3). 

 Wolf Bordonaro, G.P. (2016). International Art Therapy. In Rosal, M. and Gussak, D. (Eds). Wiley-  Blackwell Handbook of Art Therapy. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

 Wolf Bordonaro, G.P., Cherry, L., and Stallings, J. (2015). The role of art therapists in maximizing the mental health and of learners with special needs. In Obiakor, F.E. & Bakken, J.P. (Eds.).  Interdisciplinary connections in special education. UK: Emerald Group Publishing. 

Wolf Bordonaro, G.P. (2014). Tee-shirt art as an expressive therapeutic intervention in schools. In Expressive Arts Interventions for School Counselors, Degges-White, S. and Colon B.R. (Eds.). NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Albrecht, N. and Wolf Bordonaro, G.P. (2013). Building a culture of collaboration in art therapy education. Journal of Teaching and Education, 2(2), 431-437.

 Schreiner, L., & Wolf Bordonaro, G. P. (2012). Inner-Outer Boxes: An arts-based self-reflection experience about death and dying. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing. 14(8), 559-562.

Wolf Bordonaro, G.P., & Hurlbut, G. (2011). Art for Haiti: A collaborative service learning project. Art Therapy Association Newsletter, (XLIV)2, 8-11.

 Schmidt, L., Pimple, C., & Wolf Bordonaro, G.P. (2009). Palliative care for children: Preparing undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Educator, 34(4). 162-5.

 Wolf Bordonaro, G.P., & Albrecht, N. (2009). Global connections and cross-cultural awareness: Cultivating empathy among elementary students. International Journal of the Arts in Society.

 Wolf Bordonaro, G.P., Blake, A., Corrington, D., Fanders, T., & Morley, L. (2009). Exploring Media Processes and Project Applications: (Re)Discovering Shrinky Dinks® , Arts and Activities.

 Wolf Bordonaro, G. P. (2006).  Video Review: Standing Tall: Helping Children Cope with 9/11. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 33(3). 254-255.

 Wolf Bordonaro, G. P. (2006). Art Therapy with Special Needs Children. Thammasat Medical Journal, 6(3), p. 357-367.

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