Greetings from Emporia State University!
The faculty and students of the graduate art therapy program are proud and excited to announce our 49th Annual Art Therapy Discovery Day on Saturday, March 16, 2024. This is a fun and informative event that is open to anyone with an interest in art therapy. Mental health professionals and students of all majors, prospective art therapy students, teachers, and friends and family are all welcome!
We are pleased to host nationally recognized art therapist Girija Kaimal, Ed.D., ATR-BC. Girija is the Assistant Dean for the Division of Human Development and Health Administration and an Associate Professor in the PhD program in Creative Arts Therapies at Drexel University. She is the author of The Expressive Instinct: How Imagination and Creative Works Help Us Survive and Thrive and over 60 articles and chapters. Kaimal was listed among 100 women scientists leading research, and one of ten people whose “research has changed the world.” Her research has examined art therapy with military service members with TBI and posttraumatic stress; arts-based approaches with patients and caregivers in pediatric hematology/oncology units; and the therapeutic underpinnings of indigenous and traditional artforms. She is the most recent Past President of the American Art Therapy Association (AATA); Her term ended in December 2023.
Kaimal will join an exciting assembly of art therapy professionals to provide a quality program accessible to a variety of interest levels and suitable for professional continuing education. During the final breakout period, prospective students will have the option to attend a faculty panel to ask questions about our art therapy degree, dual curricula, or art therapy as a career.
For art therapy and other mental health professionals, certificates of attendance for continuing education (CECs) are available at no additional cost. The certificates will detail attendance and the presenters’ academic and professional credentials.
Please note our early bird conference rate postmark date of March 1! The conference registration fee for students is just $35 if paid by this date; for professionals and others, $75. For registration postmarked after March 1 or at the door, the registration fees are $70 and $150, respectively. We accept payment by credit card, check, or money order. We are happy to have a QR code on the flyer this year so credit card payments can be made safely online. Checks or money orders can be mailed using the form and address on the attached flyer. The registration fee includes a light continental breakfast, the luncheon, art materials for break-out sessions, and CEC certificates. Please see the attached flyer for more information and the registration form.
As always, conference participants are invited to enjoy the silent art and gift auction; don’t forget your checkbook or credit card to bid on and purchase original art work and other treasures to benefit a Robert Ault Scholarship, named for the art therapy pioneer who founded our degree program 50 years ago! The students and faculty have worked hard to bring this special fundraiser to the conference. Additionally, before and after the luncheon, we will have a book signing table.
Our event will be held in Webb Hall on the top floor of the beautiful ESU Memorial Union. Art therapy graduate students will greet you warmly upon your arrival to the registration lobby adjacent to Webb Hall on Saturday morning.
Find a link to our campus map at Parking in any lot or metered space is free on Saturdays!
If you have questions, email .
We look forward to seeing you at Discovery Day!